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Incorporated in April 2015, Silicon Valley Chinese Association Foundation (SVCAF) is a nonprofit grassroot organization working to promote the involvement of Chinese communities in public affairs and public policy in the United States. As an integral part of the Chinese communities in Northern California and with strong ties across the United States, we are making meaningful progress in providing education to the Chinese communities on the legal and political systems in California and the nation. We are also encouraging active civil engagement and political participation by the Chinese communities, while actively promoting recognition and respect of their contributions.

硅谷华人协会基金会 (SVCA Foundation)是2015年4月注册成立的501 c3组织。SVCA基金会致力于通过切实的义工行动服务硅谷和附近地区的华人,研讨华人关心的话题,提供教育资讯和讲座,鼓励华裔团结参与社区事务,提升华人形象,共同建设更美好的加州。如果您赞同我们的理念,喜欢我们的行动,请访问我们的网站,加入我们的义工队伍或者捐款。